From Humiliating Mall Crisis to Slim Success:
How a Mom-of-Two Finally Overcame Her 48 lbs Of Stubborn Fat…

And How You Can Use This 7-Second Greek Custom to Enjoy Rapid Fat Loss, Increased Energy Levels, and Achieve Your Dream Body Without Extreme Measures.

From Humiliating Mall Crisis to Slim Success:
How a Mom-of-Two Finally Overcame Her 48 lbs Of Stubborn Fat…

Find out how a simple 7 second daily Unconventional Greek Custom can destroy excess fat from your body in less than 27 days.

Jackie! Jackie, can you hear me?

"Daddy! Is mommy going to be ok?!"

Somebody call 911… Now!

One minute Jackie’s eyes filled with the joy of shopping for our son's upcoming birthday...

The next minute, she collapsed on the mall's cold, hard floor, leaving the crowd in shock…

See, Jackie had been fighting a losing battle with her waistline for so long...


She was so determined to rid herself of her bulging stomach...

The chubby cheeks that had replaced her once-defined jawline...

And the aching knees that groaned under the strain of every step…

That she had starved herself to the point where she passed out cold at the mall.

As we waited for the paramedics to arrive, I continually checked her pulse as she remained lifeless on the floor…

Wondering if my wife would ever open her eyes again.

It’s a sight that I pray I’ll never have to experience again…


But as strange as it sounds, I thank God every day that it happened…

Because it led me to discover the root cause of my wife’s weight issues that had been suffocating her for years…

And, more importantly, it uncovered a surprising 7-second Greek custom that can help ANYBODY torch off stubborn stomach fat…

Eliminate “jelly thighs” for good...

And melt away the unsightly fat that clings to you…

Even if you’ve tried every diet under the sun or exercised to the point of exhaustion.

In fact, I can promise you this, because…

This Greek custom has been supported by some of the world’s top science institutions, such as…

Stanford, Cambridge University, The New York Academy of Sciences and The Global Wellness Institute to name a few…


This game changing discovery gave her back that same figure,
she had in her 20’s

And let me reassure you, this isn't about starving yourself, sweating your life away, or spending ridiculous amounts of money on dangerous procedures…

Instead, this Greek custom is 100% all-natural
and can be done right from home –
in just 7-seconds per day!

So, stay with me for just a few more minutes as I reveal this extraordinary solution that has already changed the lives of 117,948 men and women just like you…

And let my wife, Jackie, finally melt away the 48 lbs of nagging fat that had kept her trapped for so long…

Going from this...


Overweight, embarrassed by how she looked, and feeling tired and sluggish all the time...



You’re going to be amazed at how she was able to transform her body and her life so easily…

And how she now radiates with confidence and enthusiasm daily…

  • No longer embarrassed about the excess fat she used to carry all over her body…
  • No longer judged by others for enjoying her favorite foods…
  • No longer filled with anxiety at the thought of socializing with friends and family…

And oh boy does she love it when everyone in town keeps asking her how she did it.

But the best part is, you too can experience these exact results with the 7-second Greek custom…

Once you tackle the real root cause of your weight loss nightmare:

“Lingering” fat in your bloodstream –
that should be burnt off as energy, but isn’t.

See, this research finally revealed why so many people suffer from nagging fat that they can’t lose…

But more importantly, it uncovered how to trick your body's own system to force your excess fat into your cells…

So they’re used as fuel instead of being stored as ugly, jiggly weight.

It’s a method so powerful that Jackie melted away almost 50 lbs in just a few months – and she's not the only one…

This simple Greek custom has helped others scorch layers of fat off their bodies too…

Like Susan who said:


“This stuff is amazing! I am of the age where strenuous exercises are no longer an option to control my weight. This is perfect for anyone with a busy lifestyle...5 months in and 32 pounds have vanished!”


“This stuff is amazing! I am of the age where strenuous exercises are no longer an option to control my weight. This is perfect for anyone with a busy lifestyle...5 months in and 32 pounds have vanished!”

Kevin who shared:


“My muffin top was gone within 2 weeks! Now I have everyone asking me how I did it, and the feeling I get when people look at me in awe because of my transformation is indescribable.”


“My muffin top was gone within 2 weeks! Now I have everyone asking me how I did it, and the feeling I get when people look at me in awe because of my transformation is indescribable.”

And Amy who experienced similar results:


“Week after week month after month I continued with this 7-second Greek custom and the weight continued to drop… To the point where I am back to my weight and shape that I had back in my 30s!”


“Week after week month after month I continued with this 7-second Greek custom and the weight continued to drop… To the point where I am back to my weight and shape that I had back in my 30s!”

But here’s the thing – you need to watch this full presentation right now, today…

Because the 192-billion-dollar weight loss industry is desperately trying to hide this discovery from you...

Just so they can sell you yet another expensive diet plan or exercise program...

Keeping you on the hamster wheel for life…

Because when you win the battle against your weight, they lose.

But the good news? This secret is now in your hands…

With this Greek custom, you can break free from the cycles of yo-yo dieting, and see effortless, lasting weight loss!


So, imagine standing in front of the mirror, adoring the reflection that smiles back at you…

Picture yourself taking out old clothes that you haven’t fit into in years – only for them to hang loose from your body as well…

And visualize yourself taking control of your health, confidently moving towards a happier and healthier tomorrow...

See, this future is not just a fantasy…

But a reality that is well within your reach...

Because you're about to discover a solution that will not just change your body, but your life as you know it…

So, stay with me, because the best is yet to come!

But first, let me introduce myself…


My name is Rick Jackson I am a former lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and currently I am a steel plant manager here in Colorado.

I am the husband of Jackie, and we have two beautiful kids together.

Jackie’s battle with weight gain and the secondary health effects from it…

Are what led me to give you this presentation today.

The journey we went on to regain her body and health started over 5 years ago.

You see Jackie’s trials and tribulations with her weight and health did not happen overnight…

It was a slow gradual decline that took place over several years…

See, Jackie and I were always a very active couple.

We would jog in our neighborhood at least 3 times a week.

Our diet was always pretty healthy...

Although we were never shy to binge on some hamburgers or some pizza from time to time …

Our health and weight were never anything that was a concern for us....

That Was Until We Had Our First Kid...

Jackie and I were excited to start this new chapter in our lives..

But unfortunately, for Jackie...

Parenthood was the turning point for her weight and health.

After giving birth to our first child Jackie packed on a few pounds.


But with the active lifestyle she lived and relatively healthy diet…

Jackie was able to shed most of those pounds off her body within 4 months of giving birth.

Then we had our second child.

And that’s when things took a turn for the worse.


See, after having our second child, we continued living a pretty active and healthy lifestyle…

But for whatever reason the weight she put on during her second pregnancy would not come off.

Simply put, it stuck on her like paint on a wall.

She had put on only 7 pounds after giving birth to our firstborn….

But that sky-rocketed to over 21 pounds since giving birth to our second child…

She figured that maybe her body had become immune to what worked for her all her life…

And that she needed to try something else, mix things up a bit…

And so, it began….

Maybe you can relate to her years of trying countless restrictive diets and fad workout programs…

All leading her to only experience yo-yo like weight gains and losses….

She tried everything…

  • The Keto diet…
  • Paleo…
  • Atkins
  • ​Jenney Craig...
  • Weight Watchers....

You name it she tried it.

None kept those pounds off for good.

Combine this with the energy-draining and time-consuming workout programs she tried over the years…





And nothing kept her pounds off.

They just sucked all the life out of her.

The second she missed a couple of workout sessions – the pounds packed right back on.

She lost all motivation.

She felt hopeless, trapped in her own body.

Our love life also all but disappeared.

Her “why me” mentality led to deeper and deeper depression…

Myself and our entire family had never seen her like this before.

My wife being the fighter that she is, decided to give it one last shot…

She started on a fasting diet.

This had me concerned…

As she was already struggling with other health ailments due to her weight gain.

And I have to admit, I thought that going huge chunks of hours throughout the day without eating could be dangerous.

Unfortunately I was right…

Because during her fasting, Jackie was constantly complaining about feeling lightheaded and dizzy…


And then it happened…

While out at the mall doing some last-minute birthday shopping for our youngest son….

Jackie collapsed…hitting the ground with such force.

The sound from the thud of the impact to this day is engraved in my mind.


I will never forget the screams and panic from others …

Or the tears in my son’s eyes as he asked: “Is mommy going to be ok?!”

And to be honest, my first thought was, “Did my wife just die right in front of us?”

I thought to myself this cannot happen…

Not like this…

Not the day before our son’s birthday.

As we waited for the paramedics to arrive...

I continually checked her pulse as she remained unconscious.

Until, after a couple of heart-stopping minutes, Jackie finally came to…

And as the paramedics arrived, placing her on a stretcher...


All she kept repeating to me was:

“Something needs to change, something needs to change”

“I can’t keep living like this”

This I knew, but quite frankly none of us had a solution.

Not even the “world class” doctors in the hospital.

They just kept giving her the same tired advice that you’ve also probably heard a thousand times…

“Count your daily calorie intake”

“Exercise 5-6 times a week”

“Eat your fruits and vegetables and stay away from carbs”

This, while sound advice…

Was not working for her …

Because none of this advice was treating the root cause of my wife’s rapid weight gain.

This was very concerning…

Because the doctors were also telling Jackie…

She had a much higher risk of a heart attack, due to her continued weight gain.

We all began to feel hopeless at this point, not just Jackie.

We knew something had to change…


Months went by after her hospitalization...

And her depression deepened as the weight continued to pack on her body.

We even canceled our yearly family vacation…

Because she was too embarrassed to be seen on the beach in her swimwear…

As well as being concerned about taking up too much space in those small airplane seats...

Making flying uncomfortable for her and whoever was seated next to her...

After close to another year of this continuing with no hope in site…

Our entire world out of nowhere…

Got flipped upside down.


See, mine and Jackie’s 15-year college reunion had arrived…

And after begging and pleading with her for weeks, she finally decided she would go.

And I’m so glad we did, because…

That is when I bumped into my old roommate Lucas Panos – who would ultimately reveal the 7-second Greek custom that changed Jackie’s life for good.

For our first two years at the University of Missouri, we were attached at the hip.

Jackie always referred to him as our third wheel.

After graduation, Lucas went on to attend medical school in Pennsylvania.

We remained in contact for a short period of time after graduating.

But lost contact after he completed medical school and moved back to his native Greece.

Seeing him after all these years brought back so many memories.

But unfortunately, our reunion got off to an uncomfortable start, when he looked at Jackie and said:

“Nice to meet you, I’m Lucas”

At that point, I had to jump in and let Lucas know that it was actually Jackie he was talking to.

Lucas then went on to say:

“Oh, I’m so sorry Jackie. I did not recognize you. It must be your beautiful new hair style...”

As I quickly moved the conversation onto another topic…

I knew exactly why he did not recognize Jackie though.

And it was due to her drastic change in appearance due to her weight gain.

Later that night, Jackie got up to go to the restroom…

Which was the moment... the life-changing transformation I mentioned earlier started taking place.

Lucas told me-

“Rick I am so sorry that I did not recognize Jackie... I felt so bad after I introduced myself”

He then went on to ask me-

“When did Jackie start gaining so much weight? She looks so much different from the last time I saw her…”

I told him not to worry …

That it happens all the time…

He also mentioned that he noticed Jackie breathing heavily when we got up to dance to a couple of songs…

And as he was telling me this, he had a very concerned look on his face.

Lucas then said-

“Please tell me what has been going on with her. Maybe I can help”

After all, he’s a doctor that specializes in nutritional health.

That is when I told him the history and story…

Of what has taken place with her weight and her health.

How her suffocating fat kept piling onto her body…

Regardless of the latest diet or exercise routine she tried…

And even what happened that fateful day at the mall.

As we continued speaking, Jackie was returning to our table at which point Dr. Lucas told me-

“I think I have a solution for her”

We didn’t want to make Jackie feel uncomfortable by discussing this in front of her…

So he said:

“Let’s continue this conversation tomorrow. You and I can meet for coffee to discuss”

So, the next day Lucas and I met for coffee as planned.

And that’s when he started explaining to me that it is not Jackie’s fault...

She’s one of hundreds of millions of Americans experiencing uncontrollable weight gain…

But before he told me about how to fix it…

He said I needed to understand what was going on in Jackie’s body.

So, he started to explain how, whenever we eat…

The fat from our food is digested and ends up in our bloodstream…

Now, every cell in our body has a fat-burning engine – also known as the mitochondria…

You might remember the “mitochondria” from your high-school science class…

It gives your cells - and your body - the energy it needs…

Which is why it's responsible for burning off the fat in our bloodstream.

In other words, when your mitochondrial engine is working properly, you lose fat with ease.

But here's the problem…


When your mitochondria aren’t working properly, this fat remains in your bloodstream…

Ultimately getting stored as excess fat in all the places you hate – your hips, thighs and stomach…

It’s our body's way of storing it in case we need it later.

At this point, Lucas could see that I was looking at him with a face full of confusion…

“Look Rick, you’re a car guy, right?”

“A simple analogy, is that unfortunately for Jackie, her engine is functioning with the power of an old Ford Model T from the 1920’s…”

To put it another way...

Jackie’s mitochondria were struggling to burn off the fat from her bloodstream… Causing excess layers of stubborn fat to pile up on her ballooning frame!

“But why does Jackie’s body have such a hard time burning off fat?” I asked…

He went on to tell me how as we age, our mitochondria slow down, and no longer function the way they did in our youth…

Meaning our body has a harder time burning off fat…

“But that’s only half the problem…” Lucas told me.

He then talked about the corruption and greed behind the weight loss industry and big food production…

You see, the diet industry alone is a 192-billion-dollar industry – and these companies profit when you gain weight, because then they can sell more fake solutions.

Which means...


As the waistlines of Americans continue to expand…
So do the wallets of these corporate executives and the value of their companies' stocks…

He looked at me and said:

“Have you ever wondered why there are so many new weight loss diets and fat loss products, but the entire world is getting fatter than ever before?”

Dr. Lucas went on….

“See, not too long ago it was simpler times. Food was all natural with no fillers, preservatives, or growth hormones.”

But now?

Products are packed full of cheap ingredients, bulking agents and chemicals, all with the purpose of keeping costs down for the companies that make them…

And the result is that these ingredients that are often found in supposedly “healthy” foods, like the weight-loss shakes and snacks that Jackie relied upon…

Actually disrupt your mitochondria’s natural ability, slowing down fat burning and leading to weight gain…

Which combined with the fact that everyone’s mitochondria slows down as we age…

It makes the perfect storm for weight gain – one that millions of Americans are caught up in.

The more I heard, the more it made sense...

Jackie wasn't struggling with her weight because she was lazy or because she lacked willpower...

She was struggling because her diet, influenced by our food industry, was crippling her mitochondria's ability to burn fat!


He surprisingly went on to tell me that this is not a problem where he is from…

You see, Lucas is from a remote Greek island called Ikaria.

And Ikaria is in a “Blue Zone”.

A Blue Zone is a specific area in the world where people live the longest, healthiest lives.

In fact, there are only 5 blue zones on Earth.

And Ikaria, where Lucas is from, is one of them.

Ikaria is famously known as –
“The place where people forget to die”

He even has a great grandma that is 98 years old, that still goes for daily walks and maintains her garden all on her own.

In fact, all of his family live active and healthy lives.

He then went on to explain to me that…

Obesity is pretty much non-existent in Ikaria...

And the average lifespan is 86 years old, compared to the United States, where it’s only 72…

But this is not a coincidence…

Because according to him, in Ikaria the term “organic food” does not even exist.

All their food is natural, and they eat the same, non-processed foods they've eaten for centuries...

In other words…

Rather than clogging up their engines with poor-quality, processed ingredients… Their diet is filled with foods that provide high-quality fuel to their mitochondria!

Rather than clogging up their engines with poor-quality, processed ingredients… Their diet is filled with foods that provide high-quality fuel to their mitochondria!

But the revelations didn’t end there…

Because Lucas made a groundbreaking discovery that resulted from countless hours of research and investigation.

You see, it turns out that…

There were six specific ingredients that Ikarian people consumed on a daily basis to stay skinny...

Now, these were not some exotic superfoods or lab-created ingredients...

Just regular, simple foods found in their daily diet!

But what was interesting, was that these six ingredients were virtually absent from the average American diet.

He explained that these ingredients had a significant impact on how the body dealt with fat.

See, they didn't just give a temporary boost to metabolism…

They went deeper, all the way to the root of the problem…

In other words…

They helped to efficiently remove fat from the bloodstream, preventing it from getting stored in the body in the first place!

Essentially, these ingredients were helping to keep the Ikarians' fat-burning engines – their mitochondria – running smoothly and efficiently.

But there was a problem…

Because Jackie had been down the “diet” route before…

A route that ended with her laying in a hospital bed!

And I wasn’t about to let that happen again…

But Lucas, seeing my concern, quickly reassured me…


“Rick, it's not about Jackie dieting, or cutting certain things out of her diet…” he said with a shake of his head...

It was a lot simpler than that...

“If we feed Jackie's mitochondria these six ingredients, we can watch her fat-burning engine roar back to life!”

It took a moment for me to process this groundbreaking discovery…

Dr. Lucas had unlocked a secret to efficient, long-lasting weight loss…

A secret that didn't involve punishing gym routines…

Crazy starvation diets…

Or the latest “fad” trends on social media…

Just a pure, all-natural way to get your mitochondria melting off the fat that has been plaguing Jackie, and millions of men and women across the country…

Unfortunately, I knew Dr. Lucas had to jump on a flight back to Greece the day after our coffee…

But he told me…

“Don’t worry… Once I get back home, I will immediately start preparing exactly what is needed.”

It was almost too good to believe.

But I had no reason not to trust Dr. Lucas.

He has always been a man of his word.

Not to mention if anyone would be able to pull this off…

It would be someone with the medical background and knowledge that he has.


And seeing the quality of life that he and the rest of his family have… it gave me hope.

I was so excited I wanted to run into our house and yell and scream with joy to Jackie…

And tell her what had just happened.

But I did not want to get her hopes up too much.

So, I calmly told Jackie we had one last hope and that was with Lucas.

I told her about everything that we had discussed over our coffee.

And as I mentioned earlier, Jackie is a fighter…

So hearing this news of a potential solution gave her continued hope.

About a week later, I got a call from Lucas, telling us that he thinks he has exactly what she needs…

The solution he had in mind was a powerful Greek custom…

That would take only 7 seconds a day for Jackie to implement in her life!

He also mentioned the solution would have an immediate impact...

Her body will begin shedding weight and regaining her health the same day she starts Lucas’ method…

And unlike other weight loss options Jackie had tried in the past (and trust me, there were dozens) …

This solution would be all-natural.

With no side effects, jitters, or crashes like most of the other products she used!

He made sure to make a point… that all the ingredients would come directly from his homeland of Ikaria Greece…

Dr Lucas went on to tell us-


“We consume these ingredients pretty much every day.”

“But Jackie does not have that opportunity. So, we need to produce a simplified but still potent version of these same exact ingredients.”

“This solution will be formulated so she can easily digest these ingredients in just seconds each day.”

He also reassured us that we are in good hands…

As he would be working on this formula directly with the best clinical laboratory specialists here in the United States.

But due to the stringent testing policies needed in formulating this solution…

It was going to take a couple of months to have the all-natural Greek solution ready for her.

But it was a couple of months that we were willing to wait…

After all, Jackie had been struggling with her weight for YEARS – so what was an extra few months?!

And a couple of months later, staying true to his word…

We got the call from Dr. Lucas we were
desperately waiting for…

He informed us the solution was ready and that he would be overnighting it to us.

In even more encouraging news he told us…

This all-natural Greek custom will help anyone who is dealing with unwanted weight gain…

No matter their age, gender or how long they have been struggling with their weight for.

He even joked with me and said-

“Hey Rick, you can even implement the solution into your daily routine.”

And although he meant it as a bit of a playful jab…

He wasn’t lying… Jackie wasn’t the only one who had packed on the pounds…

So, needless to say, we were both eagerly awaiting the formula to arrive on the doorstep…

And after what felt like an eternity…

The package we had been waiting for finally arrived..

In the package, Dr. Lucas had a written note that simply said-

“I assure you this will be the fix 😊”

And sure, enough we began seeing results immediately.

Within the first 7 days, Jackie dropped 5 pounds and I dropped 4.

We also noticed our mental clarity and daily energy increased tremendously.

Jackie even started to get excited about going for nightly sunset jogs in the neighborhood like we used to.

This momentum continued into the second week as Jackie lost an additional 5 pounds and I lost 3 pounds.

As we entered the third week, the momentum continued…


By the first month, I had almost reached my weight loss goal and Jackie was only 16 pounds off from hers!

The fact that we were able to experience this with such a simple and quick solution to me was mind blowing.

Just imagine…

After YEARS of watching the numbers on the scale rise…


Despite trying every restrictive diet…

Every HIIT workout…

Even spending hundreds of dollars on things like “fat freezing” solutions at the local clinic…

We honestly couldn’t believe the answer was something so simple…

Then I remember it like it was yesterday.

While on a night out for dinner with Jackie…

She looked me in the eye with the biggest radiating glow around her face and she told me-

“I feel like I’m starting to live the life I have deserved for too long... I have not felt this good in close to 6 years”

It had only been one month since Jackie had started the all-natural Greek custom…

But the results were speaking for themselves.

This was the solution my wife Jackie, myself and our entire family had dreamed of for so long.

After dinner, I had to call Lucas to tell him details about everything.

After detailing everything to him…

He knew he had unlocked the secret key to eliminating the “lingering” fat in the body…

And blasting off the rolls of fat that had accumulated over the years…

In other words…

He found a way to make weight loss fast and effortless!

He then went on to say -

“Rick and Jackie, you sound so energetic and happy.”

Jackie began to get choked up.

She embraced me with the biggest hug possible, as if she was attached to my body.

She told Dr. Lucas-

“You changed my life forever.”

“I had no hope to continue on. Just leaving the house some days was painful for me.”

“And when I did, I avoided seeing anyone I knew as I was embarrassed of who I had become.”


Lucas went on to tell us this was the exact reason he got into medicine back when we were in college together.

He wanted to help people and make a difference in the world.

Then the doctor side came out in him as he reminded us-

“Please don’t stop just because you have seen some good results the first month...”

He mentioned that the longer we took advantage of this Greek custom, the better the results will be…

He then went on to say:

“You’ll begin experiencing your most optimal and biggest results between the third and sixth month of starting…”

“So please continue what you are currently doing,doing exactly and keep using it every single day!”

And of course, we had no problem with that.

How could we?

It was so simple to do – taking just 7 seconds each morning…

We didn’t have to overhaul our diet…

Or fill our days with exhausting workouts…

So, we happily continued…

And sure enough, just as Lucas told us…

With each passing week, our weight continued to melt off our bodies…

Our love life returned back to what it once was.

And we had more energy than ever to play with our kids.

Jackie was of course as happy as ever…

To be able to fit into her favorite clothes that she could no longer fit into for years…

Her social life was back and better than ever …

And she became the talk of the town real fast!

There was even a silly little rumor…


That she didn’t accomplish her dramatic weight loss with the “7-second Greek custom”…

And that she lost all the weight by doing an invasive surgery like liposuction.

We could not help but laugh at that rumor!

But it wasn’t just Jackie that was getting praise for her new, slim physique…

All the guys were even asking me what I did, too!

Heck Jackie’s mom, started with the breakthrough Greek custom…

And she was shocked at how great she felt and how quickly she was shedding her excess weight…. and she is 83 years old!

As we continued to melt off the remaining pounds, we called Dr. Lucas to tell him the latest.

He went on to tell me-

“This brings me so much fulfillment in what I do daily and what I studied so long and hard for my entire life.”

“But this is much bigger than me… My goal has always been to help as many people as possible across the globe with their health and weight issues…”

He went on to tell me that it’s his duty to help millions of other Americans and people worldwide that suffer from unwanted weight gain...

But he couldn’t do it alone…

And while I knew it would be hard work… I did not think twice about offering to help!

I knew it was the right thing to do, after all, it changed our lives!

So, Dr. Lucas and his team went back to work.

They started by employing an FDA and GMP U.S. facility where we could conduct all our tests.

Furthering the research on the formulation...

To ensure the all-natural Greek custom worked for anyone…

No matter if you want to lose 5 pounds or 85 pounds…

No matter what age…

No matter what gender…

No matter how long you have struggled with weight issues for…

And no matter what secondary health issue you have.

On my end, I got to work by placing local ads on online classified sites, Google search and Facebook…

Looking for groups of people…

Of all different races, ages and genders to try our all-natural solution…


And since weight gain issues plague so many Americans across the country…

It was to no surprise that 100’s of ecstatic volunteers wanted to take part.

Comprehensive trials were conducted with all the volunteers…

And they were all done with the industry gold standard…

We ran double-blind studies on all the patients!

To no surprise everyone who followed our simple 7-second Greek custom…

Experienced lasting weight loss…

Increased energy levels and mental clarity…

And revitalized bodies.

We now knew we were ready to deliver our all natural Ikarain protocol to the world!

See what a few others from our double-blind study had to say about their results-

So, we did it!

Dr. Lucas and his team created a done-for-you solution…

With the same exact formula and synergistic blend of quality ingredients…

That gave my wife Jackie, myself and others their health, bodies, and lives back for good.
Our all-natural, done-for-you remedy to date has now helped 117,948 people from across the globe…

Melting fat from their bodies like a marshmallow over a flaming hot campfire…

Rejuvenating and revitalizing energy levels... that people have not felt since their 20’s.

And most importantly...

Bringing peace, health, and happiness to so many lives and families.

People that are now no longer concerned with every single bite of food they put in their mouth…

No longer concerned with every single drink they decide to have with breakfast or dinner…

And longer concerned with having to spend hour after hour in the gym…

So, today I am proud to present to you IkariaSlim

It is a done-for-you natural proprietary blend…

Of 6 fat-blasting powerful extracts, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and nutrients...

That targets your body’s own fat-burning engine…

Eliminating fat from all the most difficult parts of your body permanently...

That you could not eliminate before.
IkariaSlim is the purest and highest quality supplement you have ever taken.

Designed to give you a HIGH POTENCY unique combination of ingredients…

That you will not get with any other supplement or medication.

All manufactured in the U.S.A.

See, every step of the formulation was taken to ensure you get…
  • 100% natural proprietary blend of powerful nutrients and extracts
  • No dangerous stimulants or toxins
  • No tolerance forming
  • Safe for those with sensitive health conditions
  • ​Manufactured in the USA at a GMP and FDA certified facility
  • And non-GMO
Each production is tested by 3rd party labs...

To ensure only the highest quality of industry standards.

Dr. Lucas and his team formulated IkariaSlim with great care and precision...

Making it easy for ANYBODY to melt off their stubborn pounds – in record time!

So, now you are probably wondering what the super ingredients inside this Greek custom are…

As I said before…

They’re a combination of highly-potent, highly-effective nutrients…

That work synergistically

Meaning, they work even better when combined in the exact ratios you’ll find inside IkariaSlim.

Seriously – there is no better way to virtually dissolve the fat off your body than with IkariaSlim.

Our synergistic formula guarantees it.

So let’s not wait another moment - let me walk you through the ancient herbs, minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and extracts from Ikaria Greece…

That removes the lingering fat from your bloodstream…

And eradicates your unsightly, excess body fat for good.

Super Ingredient #1 is-


Do you have any friends or family that can eat junk food all day...

And have dessert with every meal, yet never gain any weight?

If so, then it’s likely their L-Carnitine production is working on all cylinders…

See, L-Carnitine is an amino acid that our body makes to help the body turn fat into energy…

Helping to transport your fat into the mitochondria to be burned off…

As opposed to storing it in the body, leading to layers of unsightly fat…

Which is why scientists have already concluded that…
“L-Carnitine plays a critical role in the production of energy by transporting fatty acids into your cells’ mitochondria.” (1)

And why the National Institute of Health says that L-Carnitine…

"...transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, so they can be oxidized (“burned”) to produce energy."(2)

It’s for this reason why a recent article in the medical journal, Obesity Reviews, found that…

Participants who took L-Carnitine lost 74% more weight than the control group! 

Bottom line, by taking L-Carnitine – your mitochondria will finally be able to burn fat again like they want to…

Helping you to shed the excess weight.

But the results only get better when you pair it with the next 5 synergistic super ingredients…

Super Ingredient #2 is-

Now, Glucomannan is a bit of a superhero ingredient when it comes to fat loss, thanks to its amazing two-pronged attack in the fight against fat…

The first prong is its amazing ability to melt off those stubborn pounds…

See, in a recent study researchers found that volunteers who took Glucomannan, combined with other weight loss nutrients, like in IkariaSlim…

Enjoyed a staggering 95.2% increase in total weight loss. 

Just imagine how much easier your weight loss journey would be, watching your stubborn fat dissolve off your body at such a rapid rate!

But as I said, Glucomannan has a second benefit that will help you lose weight in record time…

This incredible fiber also “sits” in your gut and promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you eat fewer calories…

So much so that researchers found that Glucomannan can help people lose 8-10 pounds (3.6-4.5 kg) of weight in just 5 weeks. (5)

Combine Glucomannan with the other powerful super ingredients in IkariaSlim…

And you can see exactly why Jackie was able to scorch so much stubborn fat off her body so fast and so easily…

But Dr Lucas wanted to make the most potent fat burning formula available…

Which is why he turned to the next ancient super ingredient used in Ikaria…

The third Super Ingredient -

Green tea leaf extract

It has been a staple of traditional Ikarian medicine and weight loss… and for good reason!

You see, during a randomized, controlled trial (which scientists consider the “gold standard” for medical trials)...

Individuals taking green tea extract lost an extra 7.3 pounds and burned 183 more calories per day compared to those not taking the extract…

Over the course of a month, that’s about 5,000 calories…

In other words, it’s like having 3 days per month where calories don’t count!

And if you think that sounds good, then just wait until you hear about the next super –ingredient in our synergistic formula…

It’s called Raspberry Ketones


Now, you may have heard of this wonder nutrient before when it comes to weight loss…

But it works even better when used with the other super ingredients I’m telling you about today.

One recent study took a group of men and women just like you…

And split them into two groups…

Both groups had the exact same diet and exercise plan...

While one group took a placebo, the second consumed raspberry ketones…

And the results were astonishing.

The second group lost 178% more weight and 300% more fat than the placebo group!

So you can see why Dr. Lucas was so keen on including it inside IkariaSlim.

But there were still two more super ingredients he wanted in the formula…

Vitamins B6 and B-12


You’ve probably heard of them before…

But what you may not know is your body cannot produce vitamin B6, so it’s critical to get it from your diet…

Especially when you consider the fact that The International Journal Of Obesity found –

"Vitamin B6 helps jumpstart weight loss because it helps the body metabolize fat and reduce water retention." (7)

And of course, let's not forget how Vitamin B12 plays a critical role in your body’s metabolism…

Because studies showed that –

"Having low levels of vitamin B12 was linked to a higher risk of being overweight or even obese." (6)

With these last two B-vitamins making up the powerful, synergistic formula…

Your body can’t help but burn off its excess fat!

Or to put it another way… 

It's these 6 fat-burning super ingredients you need to finally get rid of the “lingering” fat in your bloodstream –
 and shed as much as 48 lbs on autopilot!

WITHOUT crazy diets, exercise programs, or invasive procedures!

And it’s exactly what disintegrated all the fat from my wife Jackie...

And hundreds of thousands of other people’s bodies…

But before you rush off to Whole Foods or Target…

To try and find these super ingredients…


I must stress again: the secret to this Greek island-inspired formula is that we use only the highest quality ingredients…

In precise quantities…

Inside our synergistic formula.

Meaning that if you were to try to do this at home, it would be hard to do, and very expensive.

Thankfully, Dr. Lucas worked hard to source these high-quality ingredients…

At a price anyone could afford.

Doing it any other way was not an option for Dr. Lucas.

Especially knowing…

That those struggling with their weight needed a done-for-you remedy of the highest quality.

One that….

  • Has no guesswork…
  • No sourcing problems…
  • No cost concerns…
  • ​Nasty taste…
  • ​No quality issues.

That will not give you any jitters, allergic reactions, stomach or digestive issues...

Or make you nauseous.

IkariaSlim is a complete done-for-you solution…

Clinically proven and specially designed for all fat loss needs.

And it’s all proven and 100% guaranteed to work for you.

Now, I know that might sound too good to be true, and that’s understandable….

Because most new customers are skeptical in the beginning…

But see for yourself why so many people are raving about IkariaSlim


We are not rated #1 for customer satisfaction and results for no reason!

Here is how it works.

Just squeeze a small amount of IkariaSlim into...

A cup of water, tea, your morning coffee, juice or any beverage of your choice.

Just once a day.

That’s it!

And don’t worry IkariaSlim is completely flavorless!

You will not taste anything when adding it to any beverage of your choice.

Sounds simple enough?

That’s because it is!

IkariaSlim also comes in a bottle that you can take with you everywhere.

It will fit right in your pocket or purse comfortably…

Take it with you to dinner, while traveling, to work, to the gym or for a day out at the beach.

Isn’t that amazing?

Dr. Lucas sure did knock it out the park with this all-natural fat-dissolving solution.

For just 7 seconds of your time every day… you can now live a life with the body you deserve forever!
But here’s the thing…

Producing this unique blend of fat-banishing nutrients is costly…

Causing us to have strict limits on the amounts we can produce.

We are only able to produce 4 batches of IkariaSlim a year…
But so you can kickstart your road to getting that figure you have always dreamed of right away…

We are going to give you access to IkariaSlim today!

Our customers with the most long-term results choose either the 3 or 6 bottle options
to guarantee you don’t get the yo-yo effect of losing weight only to gain it right back.

It makes sense that our most popular deal is for 6 bottles – which will blast off that unwanted fat on autopilot – for life…
Burning the hardest to reach layers of fat that dominate the hips, thighs…

Love handles, lower abs, lower back and upper arms.

Locking in and protecting your weight loss in these trouble areas.

All while rejuvenating and revitalizing your body from the inside out.
Flushing away years of built-up fat cells deep within your body permanently…

And reversing the clock on all the prior damage...

That the excess weight caused to your body.

The cost to concentrate these rare, all-natural...
Extracts, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals into a single droplet bottle was costly.

But our goal is to make it as affordable as possible…and available to everyone.

So, I am happy to tell you that right now, only on this page today…

We will also give you our steepest discount possible.

The discounted pricing options are only available to first-time customers like yourself.

IkariaSlim is normally $99 a bottle.

Even at that price, it’s a bargain.

But we do not want to let a price tag get in the way of you getting back the body and figure you deserve!
So, we are going against the recommended price…

Other medical experts and colleagues said we should be charging more for IkariaSlim…

But you won’t pay $99 per bottle… or even $79…

Your total investment today is…

Just $69 per bottle

That’s $30 off the regular price!

And the discounts do not stop there!

If you act today and select six bottles of IkariaSlim, we will give it to you for $49 per bottle with no strings attached.

That’s just a little over $1.50 a day for a 6-month supply of IkariaSlim.

Which is less than the cost of a gym membership!

To take advantage of this one-time opportunity…

Simply choose the option you prefer below, and we will ship it out immediately to your front door.


You are just days away...
From experiencing the incredible benefits only IkariaSlim can provide for you…

Taking you from feeling like you’re trapped in your own body…

Struggling with a frustrating lack of progress no matter what diet or exercise routine you try…

To feeling completely reborn, energized, and radiating with health and confidence as your body begins to naturally, and effortlessly shed those stubborn pounds.

You'll no longer need to worry about the negative health impacts of carrying around excess weight…

Or have to deal with getting out of breath, just from climbing the stairs…

Instead, you’ll be saying hello to a future filled with energy, vitality, and a body you absolutely love!

Imagine waking up each morning, catching your reflection in the mirror, and feeling a rush of excitement as you see a leaner, more vibrant you looking back…

Picture the feeling of slipping into clothes you haven't worn in years, the fabric fitting just right, enhancing your newly slim figure…

Think about the compliments and surprised expressions of your friends and family as they notice your transformation, begging you for your secret…

All this can become a reality with IkariaSlim.

With every daily dose of this breakthrough blend…

You’ll be working with your body's natural processes to incinerate the fat that’s been holding your body hostage for YEARS!

But here’s the thing…

Due to demand, we have a hard time keeping product in stock…

If you love IkariaSlim (I am sure you will) you might have to wait a long time to get your next order!

That's why I recommend buying in bulk and save BIG!

Massive Discount Applied! Choose Your Option Below:

Get Free Shipping Worldwide!

After clicking below bottles will be rush delivered to your door.


I understand you might be skeptical...

That an all-natural solution can achieve the weight loss goals you have always dreamed of…

That no other previous product was capable of doing.

After all, you have been misled by your doctors…

Diet programs, fitness fads…and everything else you have tried before.

We are so excited for you to try this amazing solution.

That we are going to offer you the opportunity to try IkariaSlim risk-free for 60 days!

If you do not love IkariaSlim…

We will give you every dollar back as a 100% full refund.

Even if the bottles are completely empty.

No questions asked.
Just reach out to our U.S. based world class customer service team by phone or email within 60 days…

And we will return your money in full.

It’s crucial that you act now before it is too late. Like it almost was for my wife Jackie.

So today right now on this page you have 2 options…
Option 1: Do exactly as the mainstream food and medical establishment wants you to do.
Continue in the grips of their monopoly.

Consuming all their goods…

Trying their newest trendy diet programs and taking their latest miracle pills.

That will never provide you long term lasting results.

Continuing on that slippery slope that your current health state is on now.

With this path you will continue to struggle holding off more weight from being packed on your body…

All while flushing thousands of dollars down the drain…

On programs and products that were never meant to provide you a permanent solution.

On this path you will continue to pack on excess fat…

All while your overall health declines.
Instead, you can choose Option 2: The best option, the smart option and the option that will change your life forever.
And that option is to invest a miniscule amount of money into the IkariaSlim formula today.

Think of how much easier and more enjoyable your life will become as annoying fat falls from your body.

Imagine what life will be like…

No longer worrying about how much cardio you did today and how many calories you burned.

Imagine what it will be like fitting back into your clothes that no longer fit you.

Imagine what it will feel like when everyone asks you how you did it?

No more days where you feel like all your energy has been sucked out of your body…

Before your day has even started.

No more missing family outings because you can’t keep up.

Get back the body and health you deserve!

Put our product to the test completely risk-free. And change your life.

Thanks to IkariaSlim my wife Jackie and thousands of others now have none of that in their lives.

In fact, here’s what a recent customer –
Jack from Florida – shared with me just yesterday:


Katie from California said:

This is NOT just another weight loss supplement with a label slapped on it…

Like most products you have tried…

That source ingredients with no concern for quality …

That source only for the lowest price in order to increase profits.

Instead with IkariaSlim you get a unique formula designed very specifically to…

Ignite your body's fat oxidation process…

Disintegrate fat off your body the moment you begin taking it in the simplest way imaginable…

That is impossible to accomplish with diet, exercise, or meds.

Act right now as this might be your last chance to get your order of IkariaSlim.

I cannot guarantee the prices you see right now beyond today…

I don’t want you to come back and see IkariaSlim is out of stock.

So if IkariaSlim is still in stock…. below you will see your discounted prices.

Try IkariaSlim 100% risk free right now!

So, what are you waiting for?

Click below to have your bottles rushed delivered to your door for no cost and experience the life changing benefits yourself.


Due to demand, we have a hard time keeping product in stock.

If you love IkariaSlim (I am sure you will) you might have to wait a LONG TIME to get your next order!

That’s why we recommend you buy in bulk and save Big!

Remember: you can always return it for a full refund if you don't absolutely love it!

Due to high demand, shipping within the U.S. may take 4-10 days.

This is ONLY being offered on this page. So, take advantage!

Massive Discount Applied! Choose Your Option Below:

Get Free Shipping Worldwide!

After clicking below bottles will be rush delivered to your door.

One Time Fee - No Subscription

No hidden fees


So, let’s recap on what your will get with your purchase of IkariaSlim

A done-for-you no nonsense all-natural solution that attacks unwanted fat right at its core.

Over 50% off... 

Free shipping…

60 day risk free money back guarantee

You’ve got nothing to lose! Try IkariaSlim Risk Free!

Just ask for your money back within 60 days of trying it if you’re not happy…

Even if you use the entire bottle, we will refund you every single penny!

Still not convinced?

See what other satisfied IkariaSlim customers had to say-


Mark, 34

“Best weight loss product I have ever tried!” Unlike other products I noticed the difference right away. It hit my stubborn belly fat immediately. I have just ordered 6 more bottles and I am looking forward to even having better results in the future."

Patricia, 44
New Mexico

I was sick of people judging me and whispering behind my back while eating out. Especially when I decided to order a pizza or burger with fries. So I asked a co-worker of mine who transformed her entire body in a few months what she used. And she recommended IkariaSlim. I was worried that it would be difficult to use and take with me on the countless business trips I'm on every week. But seeing it was in a travel size easy to use squeeze bottle it was exactly what I was looking for. I can slide it right in my hand bag without it taking up any room. Or bring it in the pocket of my sweat pants when I go for a walk or jog. This is a Perfect and easy to use product with big results! I use it every day like clock work.
If you have come this far, I get a sense that you are smart enough to take advantage of this one-time offer today.

With IkariaSlim you are NOT getting-

● A dangerous drug with frustrating long-term damage...

● A cheap supplement that has failed you in the past that you can find at your local grocery store...

● A solution that delivers a short-term fix.

Or any nonsense like that…

IkariaSlim is Manufactured in the USA at an GMP and FDA certified facility, In a non GMO easy to drink solution!

The regular price of IkariaSlim is usually $99 a bottle

Even at that price it is a true bargain knowing…

That IkariaSlim will suck fat right off your body like a vacuum cleaning a dirty floor.

And it is so easy to use. Just put two small squeezes of flavorless drops in the drink for your choice once a day…

You won’t even notice it is in your drink!

And your fat burning process will ignite 24 hours a day.

Giving you the body and health you deserve…

So today only you will get the absolute steepest discount possible…

Exclusive only here on this page

Still here?

Well let me answer some frequently asked questions for you.


What will I get with my purchase?

You will get the #1 rated all-natural fat destroying product out there.

Plus, free express shipping on all orders including international orders.

Does IkariaSlim really work?

Yes it works. And it’s scientifically proven,

Not only have double blind tests and research been performed over the years…

But IkariSlim is also backed... by research from top institutes and Universities across the globe.

Where is IkariaSlim manufactured?

IkariaSlim is manufactured in the USA.

It is manufactured in an FDA approved facility under the strictest of standards. And under clean sterile conditions.

The facility is GMP certified.

Which is a very tough and meticulous standard to obtain for manufacturers.

This ensures only the purest, highest quality product is produced and delivered to you.

Is IkariaSlim safe? Are there any side effects?

Yes, Ikaria is safe to take and there are no side effects.

It contains only all natural ingredients.

How many bottles of IkariaSlim should I order?

To get the full results of IkariaSlim we recommend taking the product for a minimum of 6 months.

So, we recommend the 6-bottle option.

What are your shipping and handling costs?

There are absolutely no shipping and handling costs on all IkariaSlim orders.

No matter how large your order size is or where your order is being shipped to...

You will never be charged for any shipping or handling.

Are there any monthly charges?

No. There are no monthly charges.

After your initial purchase you will not be charged any additional fees.

Will it work for me?

IkariaSlim will work for anyone no matter their age, gender, or genetics.

We’ve found that it doesn’t matter if obesity or weight issues have been running in your family for generations…

How much weight you want to lose…

If your weight issues are rather recent...

Or if you’ve struggled with weight for decades.

The catch is, it only works when you stick to this easy-to-use product.

Can I get it somewhere else online Amazon, EBAY or GNC?

No, IkariaSlim is only available on this website, and it is not sold in any stores.

If you see IkariaSlim on any website other than the one you are on now it is a fake knock off or a counterfeit version of IkaraiSlim.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

IkariaSlim comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

This means, if you buy it today, you can try it for a full 2 months without risking a penny.

So, in the rare case you aren’t satisfied with it…

Simply email us or call us...

And we will give you back every single penny… No questions asked.

How long will it be available for?

We cannot guarantee how long IkariaSlim will be in stock for.

Due to sourcing only the finest and purest fat busting ingredients...

We can only manufacture IkariaSlim 4 times a year.

How long will it take to receive my order?

For orders within the U.S.A. you will receive your order between 4-10 business days.

For all international orders outside the U.S. you will receive your order between 15-30 business days.

After I order, where do I access my purchase information?

After you purchase IkariaSlim you will immediately be sent a welcome email. Which will give your shipping details for your order.

Who do I contact with questions or concerns about my order?

You can contact our world class U.S.A based customer service team with any concerns, questions or order updates.

When is the best time to take IkariaSlim?

Taking IkariaSlim is very simple.

For maximum results we recommend taking it once a day.

Once in the morning or early afternoon to get your day going.

Okay I’m excited. How can I get started?

To get your order of Ikaria Slim, just click the “Add To Cart” button below.

Click that button and you’ll be taken to our fully encrypted secured order form.

It only takes 60 seconds to enter your information…

And as soon as you’re finished your order will be processed immediately.
So, are you ready to change your life forever?

Simply select which discounted option you want below and click on the yellow “add to cart” button.

Massive Discount Applied! Choose Your Option Below:

Get Free Shipping Worldwide!

One Time Fee - No Subscription


Special Precautions & Warnings:

Suggested Use: as a dietary supplement, adults to two capsules daily with food.

Storage: Store this product in a cool dry place below 30°C (86°F). Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if the safety seal is damaged or missing.

REFERENCES: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Copyright 2022 - IkariaSlim - All Rights Reserved
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program